Ph.D. candidate in Robotics at Oregon State University with a strong background in technical robotics from my PhD and project management from working at Epic

Specializing in Child-Robot Interaction and Long-Term Robot Autonomy, I am dedicated to leveraging technology to empower vulnerable populations, particularly children with disabilities. My goal is to create accessible robot solutions that enhance the quality of life for children with disabilities and foster inclusivity. I am a member of the SHARE Lab under Dr. Naomi T. Fitter. Check out some of my various projects and research papers below for more details. Our lab website also has the rest of my lab member’s research and publications.

I have expertise in areas such as:

  • Human-Robot Interaction

  • Long-Term Robot Autonomy

  • Assistive Technologies

  • Accessibility Solutions

  • Research and Development

Additionally, I have mentored 21 undergraduates through senior capstone teams, Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) students, and research assistants. I have also mentored 2 Master’s students through their research programs and coursework as part of the GoBot project.

I am also working on projects in machine learning and ROS2.

Skilled in: ROS, Python, C#, Arduino, MATLAB, 3D printing
Knowledgeable in: ROS2, C++, R, SolidWorks, Cache Intersystems